24 posted new site: Teaching With & About Political Conventions
21 Research links tobacco industry’s marketing to youth smoking
17 Pew study released: TV remains top source of news even as online grows (link to full study)
15 Teacher guide: PBS broadcast Documenting The Face of America: Roy Stryker and the FSA Photographers
The summer issue of the Hedgehog Review, published by U.Va.’s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, presents essays on the relationship between democracy and journalism under the theme, “Politics and the Media.” Other articles include: University of Illinois political scientist Doris Graber’s “Do the News Media Starve the Civic IQ?” and U.Va. politics professor Paul Freedman’s “Thirty-Second Democracy: Campaign Advertising and American Elections.” Harvard scholar Kiku Adatto looks at the emergence of the photo-op, and Kristine Ronan, the institute’s assistant director of publications, reviews two books about the impact of political cartoons in America. |
The Media Is the Message: Invasive Messages Require Defensive Teaching, Edutopia (Aug/Sept 08) |
Generation IM
Today’s kids talk through tech. Learn how to connect with them.
Includes the essay:
ARCI’s Coding of Health and Media Project has released a new book, TheChanging Portrayal of Adolescents in the Media since 1950 (Oxford University Press), edited by ARCI Associate Director Patrick E. Jamieson and Director Dan Romer. The book reviews changes since 1950 in the media representation of adolescents and discusses the effects of the media on the socialization of youth over that period, examining newer media, such as video games and the internet, as unique forms of influence on youth. |
5 revised the Political Advertising Analysis Worksheet
2 posted revised 2008 Olympics web page
1 posted new “compare and contrast magazine covers” activity on the Media/Politics page