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A draft of the newly revised early childhood and middle grades ELA standards of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards includes a large section devoted to viewing and visual literacy. (The specific section on viewing and visual literacy can be found on pages 47-52.) The document is now open for public review and comment.

Who Shot Rock N Roll: CMOA photo exhibit, download the teacher guide here

Searching for the Future of Television

Google and the geeks from Silicon Valley aim to revolutionize
the 70-year-old TV industry.
Conquering the Internet was easy in comparison.
By Robert D. Hof


Layout Teens & Texting

Growing Up Digital
Is being online and on your cellphone all the time changing the way your brain works?
Coming in the January-February 2011 issue of LMC magazine….media literacy themed issue with contributions by Faith Rogow, David Considine, Frank Gallagher and more
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