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31 Murdoch deal for Dow Jones & Wall St Journal finalized
(full coverage here)

18  More Major Food Marketers Establish Kids-Advertising Limits;
Limiting Ads of Junk Food to Children

17 Dow Jones board votes to approve Murdoch’s $5 billion bid

SETDA Report: The Changing Media Landscape: Ensuring Students’ Safety and Success in School the Future Workplace
12 SETDA/CIC advocate for media-literacy; release toolkit

10  New Survey by Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press,
Politics and Public Policy  “Young People and News” report  other details here

Time Cover

July 9 issue
The Fox In the Henhouse
(Cover Story / The Well)
Rupert Murdoch is a 21st century media mogul. So why does he want to buy the Wall Street Journal? Inside his quest for the paper and posterity

July 2 issue of Business Week
Children of the Web

July cover story in Mother JonesPolitics 2.0 Smackdown
see also The Attack Ad’s Second Life
By Leslie Savan and Dave Gilson


1 All the News That’s Fit to Print Out (NY Times)

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