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2011: November-December


Press release;
Study: Most people still don’t trust online info;
Newspapers Dead Within Five Years, USC Predicts
takeagiantstep_cover.jpg In January 2010, the Cooney Center, in collaboration with the Stanford Educational Leadership Institute, convened a Digital Age Teacher Preparation Council, co-chaired by Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University and Michael H. Levine, the Cooney Center’s Executive Director, at Sesame Workshop. The Council’s eighteen members from academia, industry, and policy assessed current practices in early education and elementary school teaching and have designed a professional development “blueprint” to advance the use of effective digital media in teaching and learning, with a special emphasis on instruction for underserved students. This report,
Take a Giant Step, represents the Council’s multi-sector action plan to enhance teacher education and a higher quality, 21st century approach to the learning and healthy development of children in preschool and the primary grades.
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