The March 2002 issue of Science Scope (publication of the National Science Teachers Association) is dedicated to “Media In The Science Classroom,” and includes articles like Countering Gender Bias In the Media; Star Trek Physics- Where Does the Science End and the Fiction Begin?; Science Fiction and Science Education; Lights, Camera and the Action of Science, among many others. |
Recommended: Media Literacy: Television Meets The Internet, an article in the March/April 2002 issue of MultiMedia Schools magazine. The article is a review of a media literacy project by WETA (PBS station in WashingtonDC) and the National Academy of TV Arts & Sciences (NATAS). |
March 2002 Spring issue of The Journal of Popular Film & Television is devoted to Media Literacy, with lead article, “Media Literacy: National Developments and International Origins” by Dr. David Considine. |
The cover story in the January/February 2002 issue of the Columbia Journalism Review is “Press Vs. Pentagon.” The opinions expressed in various columns are perfect for classroom discussion and debate. (included in this issue is a supplement: A Study of Media Coverage of Health Policy, 1997-2000, produced by The Kaiser Family Foundation and Princeton Survey Research Associates) The November/December 2001 issue is the 40th Anniversary Issue, and contains the special report supplement, LOCAL TV NEWS: GAMBLING WITH THE FUTURE, produced by the Project for Excellence in Journalism. |
Call For Manuscripts: Language Arts, a publication of the National Council for Teachers Of English, is looking for submissions for the November 2003 issue, topic: Media and Popular Culture In The Classroom. Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2002. See the magazine for specifics. |
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