28 Study: Election News Bad for Minority Journalists
26 Lots of new material added to the site: Oscar advertising; targeting movie makers about smoking in films;
cosmetic ads during the Oscars; hard liquor ads at Daytona 500
24 CAMY releases Underage Drinking in the United States: A Status Report, 2004
I was pleased to participate in the “Teens, Tobacco, Media & Beyond” conference held at
Gonzaga University, Spokane Washington. I provided an overview of state standards and
presented resources related to health and media literacy.
23 New Study Credits TRUTH Campaign for 22 Percent of the Decline in Youth Smoking
21 posted by handouts from the workshops I gave for Lex/Rich 5 School District’s
staff development day
18 Media Violence Spurs Fear, Aggression in Kids
17 Offensive language in prime time study (from December 2004)
I was pleased to be one of the participants Thursday in Chapel Hill NC at MEDIA SMARTS, a media literacy introductory
training session sponsored by APPCNC and the Women’s Place. The featured presenter was UNC’s
Dr. Jane Brown, who talked about her continuing research into sexual media messages and young people.
15 New study says local TV news ignores local politics articles; link to study
10 Children, TV, computers and more media: New research shows pluses, minuses
I conducted a workshop for parents of students at Nashville’s Harpeth Hall and Montgomery
Bell Academy; followed by an all day workshop for students on media & tobacco.
9 Online Video Viewing Study
8 Seventh Annual Report on Commercialism in Schools / Ivy-Covered Malls and Creeping Commercialism
(published in Feb. Educational Leadership magazine)
3-4 I just returned from the PBS/DoEd two day seminar: “A Child’s Life: Literacy, Learning
And the Media” held in Baltimore, prior to the annual PBS Ready To Learn coordinators
gathering. GLEF’s Milton Chen received the 5th Annual Fred Rogers Award.
3 Parties spent more on 2004 campaign ads; link to full report
1 PTC study critical of MTV sexual content
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