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24  It’s not everyday that I participate in two events in the same day, but today was one of them. I joined my State Department of Ed Library Media colleague Martha Alewine for a full day pre-conference workshop at Ed Tech 2007 in Myrtle Beach.  Our session, “K-12 Education in the Internet Age,” covered everything from information and media literacy to plagiarism and copyright fair use. It is clear that those in attendance appreciated the knowledge and resources. They also realize how much more work we all have to do to educate teachers and students.

Tonight, I was invited by the Upper Coastal Region of the SC Middle Schools Association to present on “Using Media To Meet 21st Century Standards.” The location was the media center of the newly opened Ocean Bay Middle School in Myrtle Beach. I used this presentation as an opportunity to educate participants on how we can engage young people, using their media and culture, and media literacy.

23 National Telemedia Council honors two with latest Jessie McCanse Award

16 Voters urge teaching of 21st-century skills

10 The New Literacies
(District Administration)

Students are immersed in 21st century “new literacy” technologies, but are schools preparing them for the future?


October 2007

Practically Primary (Aust) themed issue: Critical Literacy and Visual Literacy

4  More than 100 SC social studies educators took part in a pre-conference workshop in Myrtle Beach, part of the annual SC Council for Social Studies conference. They came to learn how to integrate the Ken Burns The War series (PBS) into their classrooms. Participants received the official Educator’s Guide as well as advice from Richland NE High School teacher Perry McLeod on having students create digital stories with local veterans.

Cost of 30 second ad in 2007-2008 prime time network TV

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