Most of this month has spent adding alot of material to the MEDIA POLITICS website as the political season has heated up;
in addition, a new SUPER BOWL 2004 page has been created, where upon I have posted related news articles about the game
and the ever present advertising
Jan. 29 Study: Most US Consumers Get Their News from Papers Full report in pdf format
Jan.15 UCLA Center for Communication policy, releases study on World Internet Report; added articles to MEDIA/POLITICS
Jan.13 added Neuromarketing article to ADVERTISING; Story on grocery “slotting” to PRODUCT PLACEMENT;
story on Super Bowl Ad costs to SPORTS ADS & MATH IN THE MEDIA
Jan. 12 Pew Research Study on Bias Perception in Sources of Political News
-Added new info under Media/Politics; Who is the Audience
– English Journal (Jan.2004) issue devoted to Popular Culture, see ARTICLES
– updated EVENTS list; posted Media Literacy Goes To School in ARTICLES; added Teacher Guide to Making Student Movies
Feb.25 Americans Use Twice As Much Media As they Admit, study
TV Ads Aimed at Kids Must Change, USA Today
Feb.24 Role of Media In Childhood Obesity, Kaiser Family Foundation
Advertisers respond to psychology study
Feb.23 Psychologists Urge Ad Limits for Kids, Study
Feb.23 Studies Say Violent Video Games Make Children Aggressive
Feb.21 Research Study on Impact of Sexual Imagery on TV
Feb.20 altered photo of Sen. John Kerry with Jane Fonda; see Is Seeing Believing?
Feb.17 JAMA Study: Unlabeled content in some teen video games
February issue of School Library Journal (Vol. 50 Issue 2, pg 32) recommends the Media Literacy Clearinghouse
February 16: added Classic Tobacco Ads to Smoking activity website
February 11: Both the US House & US Senate held separate hearings on broadcast indecency,
as a result of various events, including the Super Bowl 2004 half time show
February issue of “Current Health 2” ( in-school high school magazine) cover story is
“Smoke Scenes on the Big Screen: Are Tobacco Advertisers Using Movies to Target You?”
Feb.3 Study Shows PreSchoolers Can Be Taught to Watch Less TV