In These Times (May 2005) special issue on the media
This month, I began contributing a media literacy column to the SC State Department of Education, Literacy Links monthly newsletter.
31 Ex FBI agent confirms he was “Deep Throat”- source of information for Watergate Wash. Post era reporters-reaction
24 Public and Press Differ About Partisan Bias, Accuracy and Press Freedom
USA Today story; Study PR
23 Women Are Still Missing as Sources for Journalists (study)
20 Did a report in NEWSWEEK set off a wave of deadly anti-American riots in Afghanistan?; TIME: When a story goes terribly wrong;
NYT: Big News Media Join in Push to Limit Use of Unidentified Sources
18 Tobacco still in PG13 films (study)
17 created link to Media Reform conference news
Study: Blogs haven’t displaced media
May 23 issue of THE NATION devoted to radio issues (online May 6)
8 added list of media blogs in news about media
5 Added Semiotics section to front page
2 American Academy of Pediatrics study of PG rated films- news story; link to Pediatrics study
Asian Americans under represented on TV (news story; study)
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