23 Magazine ads send mixed messages (study)
22 Helping kids see through celebrity
21 The USC College of Library & Information Science
accepted a large portion of my collection of media literacy resources-
to be housed at the SC State Library; a complete list of the resources,
available to students and teachers, will be available soon
17 Study: Violent TV may cost kids friends
10 redesigned Advertising-1 website;
added recommended curriculum to News
6 Center for Media & Democracy’s investigation into TV Station’s VNR Use
(news story; link to report )
5 TODAY show’s Katie Couric announces
she will become CBS Evening News anchor
(coverage); ABC’s Meredith Vieira to replace her
4 Media & Children, special issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
3 Newsweek Cover story: Putting the “we” in Web
3 How American use their cell phones (Pew study)
3 Sexy media a siren call to promiscuity (Pediatrics:Study website)
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