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28 Audiences More Wired: State of Media Democracy Survey results

19 Pew releases new Teens and Social Media study results

Media literacy: do people really understand how to make the most of blogs, search engines or interactive TV?

See also Critical Media Literacy In Ireland a November 2007 report–which also includes a comprehensive look at the US approach

18  FCC votes to alter cross ownership rules

12 watch Totally Wired: How Digital Media is Changing How Young People Learn and Play

10  I’m attending and presenting at the South Carolina Literacy Conference held at the Charleston Place Hotel in downtown Charleston SC. It is unseasonably warm here: almost 80 degrees. During the morning and early afternoon, I joined David & Peggy Watson at their exhibit booth, where my book “Coming Distractions” was featured. I met a lot of nice educators. Mid-afternoon, I presented, across the street, at the beautiful old Riviera theatre, now converted to meeting rooms.

Website update: on the Media & Politics site, the popular feature “Ad Watch Columns” has returned- this is a database of Ad Watch columns currently available from the Associated Press

5   Yesterday, I enjoyed speaking to three 4th grade classes
about holiday toy advertising on television. The students at Orchard Park ES had already been prepped by their teachers—who had them studying and deconstructing print advertising. The students asked good questions and left more “media literate” than when they came in. Two local newspapers documented some of what we discussed.

4 Groundbreaking Study Proves Quantifiable Benefits of Media Literacy

nimf%20report.jpg National Institute On Media & The Family issue annual Video Game Report Card

Group cites growing video game violence

3 Kids on the Go: Mobile Usage by U.S. Teens and Tweens

Call for Chapters Issues in Information and Media Literacy

About this Journal Journal of Adolescent Health (Dec. 2007)
Volume 41, Issue 6, Supplement 1,
Pages A1-A4, S1-S68

Youth Violence and Electronic Media:
Similar Behaviors, Different Venues?

Edited by Corinne David-Ferdon and Marci Feldman Hertz Centers for Disease Control
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