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What’s New in 2020


We note with sadness the passing of friend and media literacy pioneer Marieli Rowe, leader of the National Telemedia Council from Madison WI
Register here for the January 11 webinar “Using Super Bowl Ads to Teach Critical Thinking and Media Literacy”
Posted new 2020 Photos of The Year page (under construction)

22  Seeing Through Toy C0mmercials
12   Presenter, FYSE 138/FYSS 101 The Art & Science of Resilience, College of Charleston, Charleston SC

31  I was a presenter on the webinar sponsored by Media & Information Literacy in India organization
28 I was a panelist on “Let’s Talk Media Literacy” sponsored by the Colorado Virtual Library and Colorado Department of Education
21 Picturing The Pandemic: my latest blogpost at MiddleWeb
21  I hosted Presidential Debates & Commercials: What Students Need To Know, a webinar for the SC Council for the Social Studies
19  I co-hosted “Visualizing The Trump Presidency” webinar, archived here
14,16  I hosted  two webinars “Helping Students Better Judge the Credibility of Information” for the Writing Improvement Network
10  I hosted a webinar for educators participating in Project Citizen on media literacy and research skills for students.

I was a panelist on Media & Democracy: Time For A Reset (webinar)
Blogpost: Use Print & TV Ads As Informational Texts (Middleweb)
I presented Media Literacy to the Clemson (SC) Sertoma club via webinar
I presented a webinar on media literacy in a fake news world for the Tree of Life (Columbia SC)
Columbia Metropolitan Magazine interviewed me for this article.

I was the keynote speaker for  the international webinar “Media Literacy: Critical Thinking for the Information Age,” hosted by the Prestige Institute for Management & Research, Indore India (July 30)

My blogpost, “Media Literacy: Teaching Kids About Political Ads” was published July 30 at

My topic “Media Literacy as A Lens to Media Coverage”  examined media coverage of Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement, during a webinar for the South Carolina Council of African American Studies.  (July 28)

Here is a Zoom, with my new colleague from Bangalore, India, in which we discuss media literacy (for students) and deconstruct a print ad and some commercials.

Video As Witness/Historian/Primary Source (Middleweb)

From June 2 until  July 14, I  hosted a virtual book club with Ohio librarians who read “Close Reading The Media.”

I co-hosted the Magazine Media Literacy Webinar with Renee Hobbs; archived here.

MediaLiteracyNow posts my column about efforts to pass a medialiteracy law here
SC ETV posted my blog: Why Verfication Skills Are Important for Students
I hosted the webinar MEDIA LITERACY SKILLS FOR ALL STUDENTS, sponsored by SC-ETV

Why Media Literacy Is Important in Science Classrooms (MiddleWeb)
I was interviewed by the ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Blog:  Fake News, State Standards, Media Literacy

I was a participant at  the 4 SCASL regional meetings of school librarians. I keynoted in the morning on media literacy and fake news and in the afternoon I conducted concurrent sessions demonstrating my approach to incorporating media literacy into instruction.

I was interviewed for the post: The State of Media Literacy Education (2/19)

Education Week makes note of SC’s efforts to strengthen media literacy (2/13)

Verification: The #1 Vocabulary Word for 2020 (Middleweb blogpost)

I testified (February 5) before the SC House Education Subcommitee in support of HB 4673

NCTE published my post on its blog about films based on true stories

I was quoted in two Education Week stories: Making Current Events Connections to Lessons and
Fake News is Everywhere, But Students Can Be Taught To Spot It

Social Media Influencers: Who Can You Trust? (Middleweb)

I joined Rep. Seth Rose to speak to Fox Carolina on the media literacy measure

MediaLiteracyNow releases report on media literacy law effort in 50 states


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