See also periodicals related to media/media education
How young people see themselves has a lot to do with how the media represent them. What magazines does your school library media center subscribe to? Do these publications tell students everything they need to know? Do they deal with stereotypes, body image, product placement? Is the content of the magazine influenced by the advertisers? These are just some issues to consider as you begin to study magazines and media literacy.
NEW: Analyze Pandemic Magazine Covers
How Magazine Advertising Works; Using Magazines to Teach Media Literacy
Activity: Compare & Contrast Magazine Covers
- Analyze Magazine Covers: Pre & Post 9/11 (see page 28)
- Annual Magazine 300 Report (Adage)
- Are magazines for young men likely to reinforce stereotypical, ‘macho’ and sexist attitudes in their readers?
- Barking at the Hand That Feeds
- Blurring The Line magazines face new pressure as marketers seek to blend advertising with content
- Can we judge a magazine by its cover?
- Chasing an illusion: young women and magazines
- The Conglomerization of Magazines
- Create A Classroom Magazine
- Creating a Classroom Magazine
- Deconstructing Cosmo Girl Cover Image
- Deconstructing Ads Aimed At Young Women (3iying adflip)
- Doctored magazine covers (ABC News slideshow)
- Entertainment mags grab teens attentions
- Faking It: Sex, Lies, and Women’s Magazines
- Fashion industry using sex to sell ad nauseam
- Fashion mags draw protests by printing tobacco ads
- Fashion magazines show more body types
- 50 design techniques that make covers awesome
- For magazine industry, less may be more
- Glossary of magazine terms (UK)
- Hard hitting anti-smoking ads target fashion magazines
- How to navigate teen magazines (CSM)
- How to tell you’re a Details Reader
- If You Want to Sell Celebrity Mags, Put Her On The Cover (Forbes)
- Lennon/Ono Photo Deemed Best Ever Magazine Cover
- Lesson Plan: Analyzing A Woman’s Magazine
- Lesson Plan: Constructing Your Deconstruction (Cable In The Classroom)
- Lesson Plan: Deconstructing Magazine covers (CML)
- Lesson Plan: Gotcha covered: magazine cover design
- Lesson Plan: I’ve Got It Covered! Creating Magazine Covers to Summarize Texts
- Lesson Plan; Magazine Ads and You, The Teenager
- Lesson Plan: Magazine Production
- Lesson Plan: Magazine Redux: An exercise in critical literacy
- Looking at American magazines
- Magazine ad pages (The Cover Models May Not Be Fatter, but the Issues Are)
- Magazine Ads Send Mixed Messages (study)
- Magazine ads make women feel bad (study)
- Magazine Art
- Magazine cover choices tell alot
- Magazine cover design: 10 Tutorials for Creating Covers
- Magazine Cover Images
- Magazine covers: an illustrative history
- Magazines Blur Line Between Ad and Article
- Magazines: What Adolescent Girls are Reading and the Way They Shape Body Image
- Magazines drop print for Web to reach teens
- Magazines: The Power of Print
- Magazines To Count Readers In A New Way
- Magazines Use Online Ads As Selling Point
- Magazines: words and images
- Match game: match the mag with the audience
- Media Literacy Workshop: men’s magazines
- Media may fuel eating disorders
- Men’s Magazines and the Construction of Masculinity
- Newsmagazines tend to ignore Latinos
- Press Group Attacks Magazine Product Placement
- Print medias hot new star: celebrity magazines
- Race & Representation in Magazines
- Reading celebrity gossip mags can encourage eating disorders
- Reading Up on Teen Culture (3 parts)
- Secrets of Magazine Cover Design
- Semiotic analysis of the front covers of Marie Claire and Diva
- Semiotic Analysis of Teenage Magazine Front Covers
- Seventeen Magazine Self-Image, And Stereotypes
- Study finds magazine ads offensive
- Teaching About Magazines
- Teaching Current Events via Newspapers, magazines, TV
- Teen magazines blamed for rise in girls’ suicide (UK)
- Teen magazines send girls all the wrong messages
- Teen magazines send mixed messages
- Teen mags, so five years ago
- Teen People and the soul of young folks
- Teens and Magazines
- Ten Magazine Covers That Shook The World
- Tips & Inspiration On How to Design A Magazine Cover
- Top 10 sites for Creating Digital Magazines and Newspapers
- Tweens, Teens, and Magazines – Fact Sheet
- Unhealthy products featured in mags targeted to minorities
- Using magazines in your classroom
- US Magazine FAKE NEWS: Fact checking celebrity cover stories for truth
- Visually literate magazine covers grab readers, tell stories
- Visual symbolism & stereotypes in the wake of 9/11
- Vogue magazine bans too-skinny models from its pages
- Vogue breaks boundaries with curvy, heavier Jennifer Hudson on cover
- Vogue Cover with Lebron James, Criticized
- What’s Really in Those Teen Magazines?
- Women Of All Sizes Feel Badly About Their Bodies After Seeing Magazine Models
- Women’s Magazines and the Cult of Hypocrisy
- Women’s Magazines Hop Into Bed With Big Tobacco
- Worksheet for Analysing Magazines
- You’re The Editor (Dove)
Periodical Recommendations
Newest Book Recommendations (other books here)
The Language of Magazines The Girl on the Magazine Cover: Understanding Women’s Magazines Smart Apple Media
(Intertext S.) The Origins of Visual Stereotypes
Linda McLoughlin in American Mass Media
Routledge, an imprint of
Taylor & Francis Books Lt
ISBN: 0415214246
Other recommendations:
- The Magazines Handbook, Jenny McKay
- Reading Women’s Magazines by Joke Hermes
- Making Sense of Men’s Magazines by Jackson, Stevenson and Brooks
- Media, Gender and Identity by David Gauntlett