Link to PBS special: American Masters: Edward R. Murrow, The Reporter “…totally controlled and brilliant as a communicator, a man who spanned the oceans and who more than anyone else made broadcasting respectable for a generation of other talented broadcasters….” INTRODUCTION: Many students don’t have a clue as to who Edward R. Murrow was, This website is designed to help students (and teachers) learn not only who Murrow was, but also to help them appreciate history via his radio and TV broadcasts. Listening skills are critically important and many state’s teaching standards Before proceeding, it may also be helpful for educators (and students) to review: -media literacy “key concepts” Using the Table of Contents (on the left) you will find a wealth of material Recent news stories about Murrow: October 2008 What Would Murrow Do? (Am Journalism Review) April 2008 Master of a Fading Craft March 2008 Remembering Murrow (Special issue of RTNDA Communicator) Sept. 2007 Radio prototype: Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly’s Hear It Now Feb. 2006: Newly donated papers shed light on Murrow’s war broadcasts As always, I appreciate hearing from educators and students about the Frank Baker, media educator