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Teaching Resources: Media Literacy


Media Literacy Materials in Spanish
(NOTE: this is by no means an exhaustive nor complete list. If you are aware of other materials
(books, videos, curriculum etc.) please email me the details, and I will post them here:

Introduction to Media Literacy by Renee Hobbs  Hobbs, R. (2003).  Lo que docentes y estudiantes deben saber sobre los medios.
In R. Morduchowicz (Ed.) Comunicacion, medios y educacion: un debate para la educacion en democracia.  Octaedro: Barcelona, Spain (pp. 119 – 124).

The Spanish publishing house, “Ediciones de la Torre” has translated and published several
titles including: Len Masterman’s “La Ensenanaza de los medios de comunicacion”,
Kathleen Tyner and D. Lloyd “Aprender con los medios de comunicacion”, Robyn Quin
and Barry McMahon “Historias y estereotipos”, Mario Kaply “Una pedagogia de la comunicacion”,
Guillermo Orozco “Television y audiencias: un enfoque cualitativo”, Alfonso Gutierrrez Martin
“Educacion multimedia y nuevas tecnologias.”

In Mexico, the National Pedagogical University UPN has produced an entire media literacy
kit with video tape, audio cassette, anthology, and magazines.

In Spain, Roberto Aparici has published considerably through the UNED
(Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia).
The New Mexico Media Literacy Project has put out a Spanish version of its great CD’s
entitled, Medios y remedios –  la affabetizacion de los medios de comunicacion para la salud
in cooperation with the New Mexico Health Department.  It is listed on their website and publication
list. Details at   Download the curricula review for
Medios y remedios: La alfabetización de los medios de comunicación para la salud

has the first media literacy coloring book aimed at 5-8 year olds in both English and Spanish versions.

PTA Taking Charge of Your TV

The Control Your TV website has a Spanish version,

CME California Campaign for Kids TV

Navigating the Children’s Media LandscapeA Parent’s and Caregiver’s Guide
This report released by National PTA and Cable in the Classroom provides tools to help parents take control of TV viewing and other media activities. Authored by the American Institutes for Research, the report offers:

  • a guide to help families develop a comprehensive media plan that allows them to take greater control of their TV viewing, Internet and other media activities
  • a chart with how to use media to support age appropriate development
  • ideas and strategies to help parents and caregivers select and use media in ways appropriate for their children

Download the report – English version  [PDF – 564 KB]

Download the report – Spanish version [PDF –  551 KB]

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