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What You See: Film


 Unless you’ve been on a film set, then you don’t know half of what goes on behind-the-scenes.
It literally takes hundreds, if not thousands, of people to make a film. (Just watch the credits of the next film you see.)

NEW: Compare and contrast images from the 2018 film “The Post”

 How We (Pixar) Make  A Movie

Director Wes Anderson uses an American Express commercial to show you some of what is involved;
and Sprint did the same thing in their ad: What if Film Crews Ran The World;   also Capital One’s StuntWoman Ad;

How the Movies Market Themselves During Award Season


Actress Naomi Watts  & greenscreen shot
for the film KING KONG


SkyFall BTS Digital Toolbox - H 2012
(Source: Hollywood Reporter)

Green Screen Used in “The Avengers” Pre-production                  Final shot (Source: New York Times)

(Source: Hollywood Reporter)

Kerry Hayes/Touchstone Pictures

ACTION! This cedar-and-stone house near Boston was transformed to look as if it were in Alaska for the filming of “The Proposal,” starring Sandra Bullock, shown above with crew members.  (Source)

One of the child actors on the set of “The Cat In The Hat” holds a clap board: used
to synchronize sound with the film in the camera.

Publicity still from the making of “There Will Be Blood”

Camera pulls slowly up to actor Tom Hanks in “The Road to Perdition” (Source)

 Image result for Director Martin Scorsese with actor Leonardo DiCaprio blocking a scene from the film "The Aviator"
Director Martin Scorsese with actor Leonardo DiCaprio blocking a scene from the film “The Aviator”

Explore the behind-the-scenes and making of these films:

A Scanner Darkly
Benjamin Button
Citizen Kane; “deep-focus” scene analysis
“The Incredibles” Anatomy of a Scene
Indiana Jones
King Kong
Polar Express
Public Enemies (director Michael Mann and actor Johnny Depp)
Sky Captain

To Kill A Mockingbird

Up   Behind The Scenes #1Behind The Scenes #2
Wall-E  Making of: Part 1; Part 2, Storyboards
(see also: Design With A Purpose; The Shot Tells The Story)

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