Speaking & Listening Analysis: Evaluate the significance and accuracy of information and ideas presented in oral, visual, and multi-media communications across the subject areas.E.CIM.4.C.1(4) Compare and contrast the ways in which media genres (e.g., televised news, news magazines, documentaries, online information) cover the same event. EL.08.SL.11 Evaluate the credibility of a speaker (e.g., hidden agendas, slanted or biased material) Reading EL.08.RE.23 Note and analyze instances of unsupported inferences, deceptive reasoning, persuasion, andpropaganda in text. (4 Resources )
Social Studies Social Science Grade 8 Economics SS. Distinguish between “needs” and “wants” in the U.S. and other countries of the world, and the impact of the media. Social Science Analysis Eighth Grade SS. Gather, interpret, use, and document information from multiple sources, distinguishing facts from opinions and recognizing points of view. SS.CIM.5.0.2(1) Gather, analyze, use, and document information from various sources, distinguishing facts, opinions, inferences, biases, stereotypes, and persuasive appeals. SS.CIM.5.0.2(2) Understand what it means to be a critical consumer of information. |
Health/Prevention Alcohol, Tobacco And Other Drug Use Prevention H.CIM.2.0.1(3) Analyze the influences and pressures teenagers face regarding issues of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. Promotion of Healthy Eating
Copyright 2000 Frank W. Baker
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