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US State Standards

State Standards: Massachusetts


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Standards for School Library media

Language Arts

Grade 5 Standards
Standard 17
Dramatic Literature
-identify and analyze differences between a narrative text and its film or play adaptation

Grade 7 Standards
Standard 17
Dramatic Literature
-identify and analyze similarities and differences in the presentations
of setting, characters, and plot in texts, plays and films

English Media Strand
9-10 compare and analyze how each medium offers a different perspective on the information it presents

Learning Strand 26

Media Strand:
Standard 26, Analysis of Media
Identify techniques used in television (animation, close-ups, wide-angle
shots, sound effects, music, graphics) and use knowledge of these techniques to distinguish between facts and misleading information.
Analyze visual or aural techniques used in a media message for a particular audience and evaluate their effectiveness.
Identify the aesthetic effects of a media presentation and identify and
evaluate the techniques used to create them.
Media Strand: Standard 27 Media Production
Create media presentations that effectively use graphics, images, and/or sound to present a distinctive point of view on a topic.
Use criteria to assess the effectiveness of media presentations.

Students will identify, analyze, and supply knowledge of the conventions, elements, and techniques of film, radio, video, television, multimedia productions, the Internet, and emerging technologies and provide evidence from the works to support their understanding.

Learning Strand 27
Students will explain how the techniques used in electronic media modify traditional forms of discourse for different aesthetic and rhetorical purposes.

Learning Strand 28
Students will design and create coherent media productions with a clear controlling idea, adequate detail, and appropriate consideration of audience, purpose and medium

Social Studies

History Learning Standard 3: Research, Evidence, and Point of View. Students
will acquire the ability to frame questions that can be answered by
historical study and research; to collect, evaluate, and employ information
from primary and secondary sources, and to apply it in oral and written
presentations. They will understand the many kinds and uses of evidence; and
by comparing competing historical narratives, they will differentiate
historical fact from historical interpretation and from fiction.

Grade 11-12 Students weigh the usefulness and relative credibility of
newspaper accounts of an historical event against those of eyewitnesses and
of historians writing after the time.

Learning Standard 18 Grades 5-8 Students describe and evaluate data and
materials related to voter turnout, media coverage and editorializing,
campaign advertising, campaign financing.


Through health education, students acquire media literacy by learning to determine if health information is accurate, with whom to share health information, and how to avoid communicating inaccurate information.

Instruction in Nutrition includes evaluation of food promotion and media messages regarding realistic body size and shape, and consumer and nutrition skills needed to select appropriate foods in varied settings.

Students watched a video of various TV commercials and discussed their impact on health. For example, do beer ads make drinking look responsible? Do low fat food commercials tell the truth about calorie content? Should you believe the ad about quick weight loss programs. Students researched and discussed these topics.

f. Students bring in printed ads or look at TV ads featuring people. In groups, they compare several ads, discussing how people look, what they are selling, the age group targeted and the hidden message the ad is sending.

Using library resources, students research relationships between asthma and economic status.

Students bring in cigarette ads from magazines and discuss their impact on consumers, especially children.


Standard 2. Demonstrate the responsible use of technology and an understanding of ethics and safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school, and in society.

Identify the purpose of a media message
(to inform, persuade or entertain)


Copyright 2000 Frank W. Baker

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