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US State Standards

State Standards: Kentucky


Language Arts

Grades K-4,5-7,8-10
Persuasive Reading includes whole texts and excerpts from materials such as magazine and newspaper articles, brochures, letters, proposals, speeches, editorials, electronic texts, essays, opinion columns, and advertisements

RD-M-3.0.16 Identify commonly used persuasive techniques (e.g. expert opinion, statistics, testimonial, bandwagon)
RD-M-3.0.17 Identify bias and/or misinformation

RD-H-3.0.13 Identify a variety of persuasive and propaganda techniques and explain how each is used

RD-H-3.0.14 Analyze and evaluate the use of persuasion within a passage
added July 2003

Academic Expectation1.2=Students identify and apply a variety of appropriate reading strategies to make sense of a variety of print andnonprint texts (literary, informational, practical/workplace, and persuasive) to reach personal goals, to understand the human experience, to create products, to accomplish authentic tasks, and to develop ideas in written/oral responses.
Program of Studies–English I (ELA-EI-I-I)=Access appropriate print and nonprint (e.g., computers, electronic media, interviews) resources for group, collaborative, and/or independent inquiry projects.
Program of Studies–English I (Technology as Communication)=Students use available and emerging technology to gather, organize, manipulate, and express ideas and information for a variety of authentic purposes.
Program of Studies–English II(Inquiry)=Independently and collaboratively, students use a variety of resources, methods, and research tools to access ideas and information, to learn, and to communicate ideas for specific purposes.  The bullets underneath the standard include (1) access, compare, and document multiple sources of print and nonprint (e.g., computers, electronic media, interviews) resources for group, collaborative, and/or independent inquiry projects and (2) evaluate credibility of sources.
Program of Studies–English III (ELA-EIII-TI-I)=use a variety of multimedia tools (e.g., audio, video, computer presentation program) to enhance presentations.
Program of Studies–English IV (ELA-EIV-I-I)=collect, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and ideas from a variety of sources to complete independent inquiry projects and tasks.

Also, electronic texts are listed as genres under information, persuasion, and practical/workplace reading at the 4th, 7th, and 10th grade levels.

Social Studies


Grade 8,11


To make informed choices, consumers must analyze advertisements, consider personal finances, and examine the opportunity cost

(added May 2006)

Technology as a tool for research

-develop media literacy by identifying the source of information and the point of view presented for analysis of any bias (e.g., distinguishes whether material retrieved over the Internet is fact or opinion and whether the source is primary or secondary)


High School Consumerism

The use of strategies (e.g. studying advertisements, reading the fine print) and techniques for evaluating various forms of consumer information (e.g. products, contracts, leases, warranties) contribute to wise purchases.

PL-E-3.1.4 Through the media, advertisers may attempt to use misleading or exaggerated information and gimmicks to influence consumer decisions.

PL-M-3.1.4 There are positive and negative aspects of advertising strategies (e.g. providing accurate or misleading information, gimmicks)

PL-H-3.1.4 Methods and techniques of advertising exert an influence on consumer choices for products and services.

Consumer Decision (2.30)
evaluate influences of advertising on consumer choices.

Copyright 2000 Frank W. Baker

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