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US State Standards

State Standards: Indiana


Language Arts
(revised Sept. 05)

Link to Standards

Analysis of Oral and Media Communications

3.7.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media

4.7.10 Evaluate the role of the media in focusing attention on events and in forming their opinions on issues

5.7.7 Identify, analyze and critique persuasive techniques including promises, dares, flattery, generalities; identify faulty reasoning used in oral presentations and media messages

5.7.8 Analyze media as sources of information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.

6.7.9 Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques in electronic media
(television, radio, online sources) and identify false and misleading information

7.7.7 Analyze the effect on the viewer of images, text and sound in electronic journalism;
identify the techniques used to achieve these effects

8.7.8  Evaluate the credibility of a speaker. including whether the speaker has hidden agendas or presents slanted or bias material.

8.7.9 Interpret and evaluate the various ways in which visual image makers (such as
graphic artists, illustrators and news photographers) communicate information
and affect impressions and opinions.

9.7.8/10.7.8 Compare and contrast the ways in which media genres
(including televised news,
news magazines, documentaries, online information) cover the same event.

Analyze the impact of the media on the democratic process (including exerting influence on elections, creating images of leaders, and shaping attitudes) at the local, state, and national levels.

Social Studies

Inquiry Skills: draw conclusions and make decisions based on relevant data derived from a variety of resources and media, including electronic technology

Added July 2006:
US Government HS

USG.3.16 Use a variety of sources, including newspapers and Web sites, to identify current state and local legislative issues and examine the influence on the legislative process of political parties, special interest groups, public opinion, the news media, and individual voters. (Economics; Individuals, Society, and Culture)


Middle School Consumer Health

6. Develop the ability to compare and contrast the factors that influence the individuals responsible selection, utilization, and evaluation of health information products and services.

Sample Indicators B. Analyze information and claims about products and services presented through the media

Health Skills Collect examples of advertisements that promote health, beauty and personal hygiene products as the means by which satisfactory relationships are assured. Collect examples of advertisements that target a particular age, gender or social group.

High School 6.
Sample Indicators: B. Interpret health data presented in visual and/or verbal form

Health Skills: Critique advertisements for a variety of products for unhealthy, untrue or unrealistic message

Critique media messages related to body image, diet and weight management.
Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs

8. Recognize that the use of ATOD arises from a variety of motivations, and the effects have an impact on the health of the individual, the family and the community.

Health Skills: Find examples from TV and movies where the use of drugs is glamorized.

Copyright 2000 Frank W. Baker

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