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Sample Magazine Cover Deconstruction


Sample Campaign 2016 Campaign Magazine Cover Analysis
The Week magazine cover, dated April 22, 2016 (click to enlarge)
hillary bernie illustration

Questions for students to consider:

  1. What is the setting? What clues lead you to say that?
  2. What might the bump on Senator Sanders’ forehead mean?
  3. Why do you think both Clinton & Sanders’ clothes are torn?
  4. What does the headline “Getting nasty” refer to?
    (students could be tasked with researching the news from the previous week to determine what the candidates said to or about one another and how what they said played in the media)
  5. Why is each candidate pointing? What might they be pointing to?
  6. Did you notice that Sanders appears to be missing a tooth? How do you think that happened?
  7. Who “won” this fight? Who “lost?  Why do you think that?
  8. Is the cover humorous or serious, or both? Justify your reply.
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