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Lesson Plan 5


Lesson Plan: Vocabulary Introduction-Clickbait-Grade 4
Catrin Barber
Standards Addressed (for grades 3-5):
2: Digital Citizen – Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and
working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
2.a. Students demonstrate an understanding of the role an online identity plays in the digital world and learn
the permanence of their decisions when interacting online.
2.b. Students practice and encourage others in safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology and
interacting online, with guidance from an educator.
2.d. Students demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is, how to keep it private and how it might
be shared online.
Lesson Format:
2 Minutes: Introduce basic lesson-vocabulary- We will have a monthly vocabulary word centered around
technology. This month we are concentrating on “clickbait”.
3 minutes Watch this video: From beginning to 2:42. It
explains and shows examples of clickbait and speaks directly to why clickbait exists (to make money via more
Open up to group discussion of when students have seen clickbait and whether they have fallen for the extra
clicking or not.
In small groups of 3 or 4 (use the automatic group generator app) students will come up with a way to show
3rd graders examples of clickbait and a short explanation of why it can be harmful. They will be presenting this
to 3rd grade or if they create a project that needs to be displayed it will be displayed on the library bulletin
Students will brainstorm ideas (possibilities: infographic, slideshow, movie, poster, etc) and then form into their
groups to decide what they will be doing. They will write up a short synopsis or list of their plans to be started
in the next meeting

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