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Lesson Plan 4

Understanding by Design (UbD) Unit Plan
Title: Use of enlistment posters during WWI Subject/Course: World History
Topic: Poster design/analyzing a poster Grade: 10 Designers:  

Chris Hanson

Stage 1 – Desired Results (PLAN)
Established Goals:  (What do students need to learn and be able to do?)
Visual Arts Anchor Standard 11

Students will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.

  • During WWI posters were a powerful method of communicating with a  population.
  • Common themes included enlistment; food issues such as rationing and growing victory gardens;  funding the war effort with war bonds, and general support for the military effort.
  • Common symbols were used in posters.  American posters often included Uncle Sam or Columbia.  British posters showed John Bull and Britannia.  Marianne represented the French people.  In the allied posters Germany was often depicted by a gorilla-type character  wearing a  German helmet, called a “Hun.”
  • Students will analyze enlistment posters from WWI, looking at the design of the poster, the message, the intended audience and the intended outcomes.




Students will understand that…


·         All messages are constructed

·         Media messages are constructed using creative techniques to attract attention.

o   Color

o   Line

o   Size of text

o   Shapes

o   Composition

·         Different [people experience the same media message differently.

·         Media have embedded values and points of view.

·         Most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power.











Essential Question/Big Idea:



·         Who created this message?

·         What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

·         How might different people understand this message differently from me?

·         What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message?

·         Why is this message being sent?


Students will know….


·         How to use elements of art in poster design

o   Color

o   Line

o   Size of text

o   Shapes

o   Composition














Students will be able to….


Analyze a poster using the Poster Analysis Worksheet



Be sure to include both language and content objectives.




Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence (STUDY)
Performance Task (How will we know if they learned it?)



  • Two enlistment posters will be displayed, one showing the perspective of the German population and one from the allied population.  Students will analyze the posters using the Analyze a Poster worksheet that is linked below.

The teacher will lead students in a discussion of the analysis.

Discussion questions:  How does this poster  raise the national pride in ones’ country?

Why would young men volunteer to fight?

Why would they want to go to war knowing they could be injured or killed?



  • The student will create a World War I enlistment poster for one of these countries: United States, Great Britain, France, Russia or Germany using graphic design elements.

The student  will analyze the poster using the Analyze a Poster worksheet.




Key Criteria:  to reflect Performance Tasks:  Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc.

Analyze a Poster worksheet



Other Evidence (How will we know if they learned it?)













Stage 3 – Learning Plan (DO)
Learning Activities (How will students learn it?)


Read chapter in the World History text book on the causes of WWI.

Read the materials on the use of posters during WWI at the National Archive website.

Watch the Graphic Design PPT and take notes.

Read the Graphic Design document and take notes.

Read excerpts from All Quiet on the Western Front for perspectives on the German soldiers during WWI.

Read excerpts from Intimate Voices From the First World War for perspectives on soldiers and civilians throughout Europe during WWI.






All Quiet on the Western Front


Intimate Voices from the First World War


Graphic Design PPT  by Morgan Piercer


Graphic Design Document by Morgan Piercer


Intimate Voices from the First World War


History Alive! World Connections  ISBN: 978-1-934534-91-5


Literacy for the 21st Century at\


Posters for Analysis  Use the 2 posters at the top of the page


World War 1 Posters at



















Reflection (ACT)
Were the lessons successful?  How do you know?  What would you do differently next time?






Intervention (What will we do if students don’t learn it?) 






Enrichment (What will we do if students don’t learn it?) 









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