Marianne Costello
August 11, 2021
Lesson Plan: What is Media and how has it impacted the world, USA and WA state
Standard: H1.6-8.1 Analyze different cultural measurements of time.
SSS2.5.2 Determine the kinds of sources that will be helpful in answering compelling and supporting
questions, taking into consideration the different opinions people have about how to answer the questions.
Students will analyze the timeline of media in the world/USA and our community.
Students will consider different opinions of literacy and how people answer the media literacy questions
Resources; Media Literacy Poster with Questions
5 minute intro and learning targets
6 minutes Intro Video From BrainPop
5 minutes: Journal question, “what did you learn from this and what did you already know about media literacy
and what questions do you have?” Students have the option of writing or making a video journal.
5 minutes History of Media
Video from Edmonds SD approved list:
Only show part of this and stop for conversation
10 minutes Model:
Teacher creates a media history timeline of her life aligning it with personal history and leads a discussion
about questioning content and how we individually question what to believe.
1970’s: Radio and TV ads, movies, tv shows and news; magazines in my home that were published by my
church or that my parents approved. Books from the library in the children’s section.
From TV I learned about other cultures but I also viewed activities that were not okay with my personal
views and my parents often took time to discuss what I could watch, read and listen to. I began to create my
own questions about the truth of information I viewed and created.
20/30 minutes: Assignment in Class:
Students create a list of media they use and create a timeline. If time they can write on strips of paper and
place it in order. If this is a f2f class we will put these on a bulletin board:
Oral History
Ask your grownup about their timeline of media and how they learned to determine what information was good
and bad media/true or false/agree or disagree.