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Language of Film

Language of Film: Film Language / Film Literacy


Recommended Resources:

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Recommended App:

The Close-Up Film Language Glossary provides clear and concise definitions of essential film language terms used in basic and advanced film courses. Though geared for use in high school (particular sixth forms) and higher education the glossary is appropriate for anyone generally interested in cinema, film and film analysis. The Close-Up Film Language Glossary contains a unique collection of ‘Visual markers’, which are visualizations of filmic means and techniques. Groups of visual markers provide a quick and comprehensive overview of important categories of film language. Additionally a collection of useful checklists which help you analyzing the different aspects of film language in classroom study or when writing a film studies essay can be obtained separately from within the app

Recommended Texts / Periodicals / Multimedia:


reading-the-screenmg100 Film and television textual analysis: a teacher's guide [Book]
Basics Film-making: The Language of Film by John Marlan
Making Movies Make Sense
Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts  Film Language

DVDs (some of which have text companions):

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