Math In The Media
Market Size: There are roughly 210 television markets in the U.S. A market’s size is based on the number of homes which have televisions. The more homes watching television (the larger the market)= the more a TV station can charge for advertising. Students should understand the concept of market size and how it affects advertising rates and market success. Have students locate the TV market closest to where they live, and examine the growth or decline in television viewers. This web page lists all of the TV markets in the United States.
South Carolina Area TV Markets Map of NC/SC
(revised to reflect 2012 Nielsen update)
TV Market size (ranked by size) |
TV Market name |
#25 | Charlotte NC (includes Rock Hill SC) |
#37 | Greenville/Spartanburg/Anderson/Asheville NC * |
#77 | Columbia SC (includes Sumter SC) |
#92 | Savannah GA (includes Hilton Head SC) |
#98 | Charleston SC |
#103 | Florence/Myrtle Beach SC |
#111 | Augusta, GA (includes Aiken SC) |
#132 | Wilmington NC (signal received in SC) |
*map used with permission of Nielsen
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