(NOTE: if you come across a broken link please email me fbaker1346@aol.com and I will attempt to determine if the source is recoverable.)
- Ad*Acess Project (Duke University)
- AdAge — The Advertising Century
- Ad Council– retrospective
- Adcritic.com
- Ad Decoder
- Ad Dissection 101
- Ad Dissection 101
- Ad Factor (3 stages of the advertising process)
- Ad Flip-World’s Largest Print Archive
- AdForum.com
- Ad Icons
- Top Ten Ad Icons
- Ad It Up (teaching approach)
- Adjab (blog)
- Adland
- Admongo.gov (FTC)
- Adproofing Your Kids (parent blog)
- AdReview (streaming; critiques)
- Ad Speak (see also AdSpeak Glossary)
- AdViews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials
- Ad Workers
- Ads.com
- AdsoftheWorld
- Ads: Why We Buy, What We Buy (see page 8 )
- The Advert Channel (UK)
- advertisementave.com (streaming ads)
- Advertising 101: The Wide World of Online Ads (Infographic)
- Advertising (UK) resources
- Advertising (good page for resources & links)
- Advertising Analysis: Notes & Questions
- Advertising and Image
- Advertising careers
- Advertising Claims & Schemes
- Advertising Dissection & Analysis (one page handout)
- Advertising Glossary
- Advertising Images of Girls and Women
- Advertising Jingles
- Advertising Savvy
- Advertising Propaganda
- Advertising Techniques
- Advertising Terminology
- Advertising World
- Advertising’s 15 Basic Appeals — Jib Fowles
- Advertolog (huge database of print/video ads)
- Adwatch.tv (Ads from Britain)
- Age of Reason -marketing to teens
- AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Explained
- American Advertising-A Brief History (History Matters)
- American Advertising Federation
- American Brandstand
- American Museum of Advertising
- Analyzing Ads (questions)
- Analyzing Ads and Commercials
- Analyzing Advertising Images
- Analyzing Advertising Worksheet
- Analyzing Argument in Advertising (worksheet)
- Analyzing Persuasion In Media Messages (HRW)
- Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertising (McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin)
- Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood
- Center for Media Research
- Checklist for Analyzing Print Ads
- Close Reading of Ads: A How To Guide
- Color & Meaning in advertising
- Commercial Alert
- Commercial Archive
- Commercial Closet
- CommercialsIHate.com
- Common Advertising Strategies (CML)
- Concerned Children’s Advertisers
- CreatAbiliTOYS!–The Museum of Advertising Icons
- Creating Meaning in Images: A Discussion of Judith Williamson’s Decoding Advertisements
- Creative advertising techniques
- Deadly Persuasion (Jean Kilbourne’s book site)
- Deceptive Car Dealer Ads and Activities – Pervasive As Ever
- Deciphering Advertisements
- Deconstructing an Advertisement
- Deconstructing Print Ads (MEF)
- Deconstruction Gallery (NMMLP)
- Detecting Advertising Techniques
- Determining Meaning: Analyzing Advertising in Print,
- Diet Advertising
- Dig deeper: what to look for in a TV ad
- Digital AdWise (UK)
- Dissecting Advertisements
- Dissecting Layout: Analyzing Advertising in Print
- Don’t Buy It: Get Media Smart! (PBS) Educator Guide
- 11 Ad Techniques to Attract Audience Attention
- Emergence of Advertising in America Library of Congress
- Examining Aspects of Images (Guiding Questions for Media Images)
- How advertising works
- How Magazine Advertising Works
- How to analyze an ad
- How to Read An Ad
- How to Read an Ad (powerpoint)
- How to Read A Gender Ad
- Images of Men & Boys in Advertising
- It’s An Ad! Critical Thinking Skills for Media Literate Kids
- Language of Ad Claims– Jeffrey Schrank
- Language of Advertising
- Language of Advertising
- ‘Mad Men’-Era Advertisements (slideshow)
- Making Sense of Advertisements
- Marketing To Teens (USA Today)
- Marketing to Tweens & Teens (July 2004)
- Mediacs– Building Media Savvy Kids
- Media Literacy: Advertising Techniques
- Media Literacy, Visual Syntax and Magazine Advertisements
- Media Smart (UK)
- Memorable Advertising Slogans
- Mental Engineering-Deconstructing TV Commericals
- Money Sense for your children: The pressures of advertising
- Most Common Adjectives and Verbs in Advertising
- Most Persuasive Words in Advertising
- Most Frequently Used Words In Advertising
- Myth of 18-34
- Native Ads Primer
- The New Hucksterism (Business Week)
- Neuromarketing Research: Playing With Your Mind
- Parts of An Ad
- Persuasion Analysis by Hugh Rank
- Positive/Negative Images in Ads
- A Primer on Analyzing Television Commercials
- Print Advertisement Analysis Worksheet
- Product Placement Hall-of-Fame
- Public Service Announcements (PSAs) That Made A Difference
- Questioning Advertisements
- Questions for Analyzing Ads
- Questions for Analyzing An Advertisement
- Questions to Ask Of An Advertisement
- Reading Advertisements (Newsweek)
- Reading An Advertisement
- Rhetoric of Advertising
- Role of Colors In Advertising
- Red in Advertising
- Seven Visual Elements of Art Used In Ads
- Sixty Years of Television Advertising
- Stereotypes of Women Persist in Ads
- Teaching Advertising with Youtube Videos
- Teaching Argument Through Advertising (prezi)
- Teaching Kids to Deconstruct The Advertising Pitch (SLJ)
- Teaching Pathos and Advertising As Argument
- Teen identity and marketing: constructing cool
- Teens vs. The Media: Teen Image and Advertising
- Television Advertising: Defining the Persuasive Techniques
- Television Commercials– comprehensive site of links
- Ten Colors That Increase Sales, And Why
- Top Ad Campaigns of the 20th Century
- Top 10 Ad Jingles
- Transit Advertising Gallery
- Truth in Advertising (handout)
- Twelve Kinds of Ads In The World
- Understanding advertising: Decoding an ad’s appeals
- Understanding Auto Ads
- USATV Ads (museum and store)
- Wacky Warning Labels
- Warning advertising may be hazardous to your health: ads pose a threat to physical, emotional, social, and cultural well-being
- Webquest: Advertising in the 1950s
- Webquests ( a collection of web sites)
- Women’s Bodies In Sports ads
- Writing An Evaluation of an Advertisement