The Role of Media in Elections:
Political media and advertising IN THE NEWS:
Tips for catching misinformation this election season
Race boosts swing state ad spending
How to decipher political ads this election season
Political ads on social media rife with misinformation and scams
Another Political Ad Record Falls As Spending Heats Up
Watch out for false claims of deepfakes this election year
Do early campaign ads make a difference?
Deconstructing the spectacle & stagecraft of Trump rallies
Do political ads even matter even more?
Meta to Begin Labeling Ads That Are AI Generated
2024 Ad Spending Predicted to Break $10 Billion
Google To Require Labelling For Political Ads That Use Artificial Intelligence
Deepfake Political Ads Are The “Wild West” For Lawyers
Beyond The Debate, GOP Is Deep In Political Ad Wars
Where You Eat, Shop, Have Fun Might Determine What Political Ads You See on Social Media
How to read the midterm commercials
Political ad spending soaring in this year’s mid-term election
Can TV Stations Edit or Label Ads As Misleading?
Emotionally manipulative political ads fail at swaying new voters
New survey shows effectiveness of TV in political ads
2021-2022 Midterms Forecast to Set A Record for Ad Dollars
Political ads during the 2020 presidential election cycle collected personal info/spread misinformation
Voters in ten battleground states were more influenced by TV ads than any other media platform
Profile of the Lincoln Project’s Anti-Trump Ads
Facebook Political Ads: What 2020 Spending Reveals
Study Debunks 3 Common Myths About Political Advertising
Which 2020 Candidates Have Aired the Most Ads on TV?
Sinclair Expected to Air Campaign Ads on Its Regional Sports Networks
Discover Who Is Paying for Political Ads In Your Area (And How Much)
FEC Takes on Online Political ads
TV Ads in midterms up nearly 90 percent fueled by nondisclosure groups
Google to Ask Buyers of Election Ads To Prove Identities
Honest Ads Act Explained
Facebook Will Require More Authentication From People Buying Political Ads
Political Campaigns Will Run More Digital Ads This Year
Google, Facebook To Face New Rules on Political Ads
Draft FEC Rules Target Ads On Social Media
- Facebook To Disclose Who Paid for Political Ads Online
- Senators Urge FEC To Fix Online Political Advertising
- Trump’s media coverage more negative than Obama’s
- Twitter users shared more junk news than mainstream during the 2016 election
- Fake news on twitter flooded swing states that helped Trump win
- Studies agree: Media gorged on Clinton email coverage
- Partisanship, Propaganda & Disinformation: Online Media & 2016 Presidential Election (study)
- Comedians have figured out how to cover Trump
- Trump releases his re-election campaign ad
- The Trump Show: reality at its most compelling
- How Breitbart helped Trump win
- Trump administration: short on facts; big on sensationalism
- Is Media Coverage of Trump too negative?
- Trump SuperPac Attacks Comey
- Presidential Communications: JFK vs Trump
- Local broadcast TV ads will be critical in 2018 election cycle
- How the rules of political advertising were rewritten by data
- Campaign TV Ads Had Significant Impact In Swaying Voters
- Study: Hillary’s TV Ads Were Almost Policy Free
- Study reveals how badly Hillary screwed up political advertising
- A data visualization of Trump trends on social media
- Five Ways The Media Bungled The Election
- 2016 Political Media Up Modestly; Broadcast TV Record Steep Decline
- Raking in the dough: How the political ad industry fared
- 10 Most Shared Ads of the Presidential Campaign
- 16 Ads That Mattered in 2016
- Political ads swamp websites and social media
- The Best Political Ads of 2016
- MRC Study Documents Net Coverage of Trump
- Meet the familiar voices behind some political ads
- Study: TV ads in final week can be pivotal
- How Facebook, Google Are Attracting More Ad Dollars
- Lower estimates for 2016 presidential TV ads
- Are Presidential ads still effective?
- The best political ads through the ages
- TV Ad Spending Reveals The States Where Clinton/Trump Are Fighting Hardest
- As presidential ad spending falls, broadcaster’s shares decline
- Snapchat lures ads as it targets younger voters
- Super PACs make up 73% of ad buys, study says
- Snapchat lures more US campaign ad dollars
- Study: Political ads up 9% in 2016
- Trump ads go online
- HC Outspending DT On Ads $52M to $0
- 10 Iconic Presidential Ads That Changed Political Advertising
- Art Exhibit Explores Power in Political Ads
- How local TV is benefitting from campaign ads
- It’s Harder Than Ever to Know Who’s Funding Campaign Ads
- Millennials and Hispanics Engage More With Online Ads
- Brainwashing tricks used in campaign ads
- Editing Techniques: Centerstage in Primary Ads
- Clinton, Trump Poised To Go Negative in Ad Wars
- The Trump Effect: How He Will Change Advertising
- Political Ad Spending Way Up from 2012
- With Billions Spent on Pol Ads, Media Coverage Keeps Them Honest
- Trump Dominates Earned Media
- Track TV Ads in the 2016 Presidential Race
- Spotcheck: New Website Unveiled To Help Evaluate Ads
- TV Stations Pocket Ad Windfall
- Which Ads Have Performed Best (So Far) in 2016?
- How the ‘Daisy’ Ad Changed Everything About Political Advertising
- 2016-The Year Political Ads Finally Came to the Internet
- Male Voice Overs Dominate in Political Ads
- Common Traits of Overly Patriotic Campaign Ads
- How YouTube Is Shaping the 2016 Presidential Election
- Wheel of Fortune: Popular Game Shows Attracts The Political Ads
- A Neat Trick That Makes Political Ads More Effective
- The 2016 Candidates Who Are Getting Media Coverage
- Study: Trump Has Earned $2 Billion of Free Media Coverage
- When Mad Men Meet Dark Money
- Fact-check-athon calls out misleading primary 2016 TV ads
- See the TV shows which are the most popular for candidates to buy time on
- Pres Hopefuls Battle It Out In Paid Search Ad Clicks
- Do political ads work?
- WH Race Nearing $1 Billion Dollars
- Which TV Shows Do GOP Candidates Buy Time On?
- Ad Buys for Cable/Satellite/Radio To Have Online Database
- Dark Money Dominates This Election Cycle
- Inside the (Radio) Ad War You Haven’t Read About
- Swayed by Attack Ads? Get The Facts
- Ad Wars of 2016 Erupt in Changing TV Arena
- Campaigns, PACs Buy Time on News/Game Shows
- Internet Archive Preserves Political Ads
- Campaign Ads Even More Than Before Bolster TV Stations
- 7 Campaign Ads Voters Say Crossed The Lines2015
- Television, The Old King of US Politics, Faces Mortality
- 9 Most Memorable Ads So Far
- Wesleyan Media Project: 84% of ads deemed positive
- As TV Ad Rates Soar, Super PACs Pivot to Core Campaign Work
- Ads Flood The Airwaves, But Don’t Seem To Move the Polls
- Who Paid For That Ad?
- Study: Internet Vital To Political Campaigns
- Groups Ask FCC to Reveal People Behind Super PAC TV Ads
- TV broadcasters try to drum up more ads
- Local TV networks seek to counter campaign ads shift online
- Why politicians run so many TV ads
- Are Instagram Posts the New Attack Ads?
- Why Democrats Are Urged Not to put the American flag in their ads
- Where does the phrase “I approve this message” originate?
- What it takes to make a great political ad (PBS, video/transcript)
- Digital Ads Sell Candidates/Causes in 15 Second Bursts
- Jeb Bush Leads the 2016 Ad Buying Race
- Why TV is Still King of Campaign Advertising
Super PACs Explained; Money in Politics (CSPAN)
- Ads Coming to Facebook & Mobile Phones
- Why Campaigns Have The Edge Over Super PACs on TV
- Facebook’s role in the upcoming election
- Study: Facebook main source Millennials, Gen Xers Get Political News
- What works in political advertising: repetition
- Clinton, Cruz Dominate Social Media Race (study)
- Campaigns Aren’t Necessarily Campaigns in the Age of Super PACs
- The GOP & Willie Horton Together Again
- Campaign Finance Is Going The Way of the Wild West
- Study Shows Politicians Distorting Fact-Checks Against Opponents
- Senator Wants New Disclosures for Political Ads
- FEC Data Indicates Campaign Fines Hit Record Lows in 2014
- FEC Chair Admits It Can’t Curb 2016 Election Abuse
- Will digital advertising be the key to political campaign success?
- Which presidential candidate is winning the Twitter vote?
- The next era of campaign finance craziness is underway-already
- Big money in politics emerges as Campaign 2016 election issue
- When Politics Is Treated Like A Football Game, No One Wins
- 10 of the most fear-mongering political ads in American history
- 2016 Presidential Election Spending Spurs Unprecedented Online Ad Arms Race
- 2016 Political Bonanza May Start in 4Q
- Political ads overwhelm news on local TV
- Paid political ads during TV newscasts vastly outnumber serious election stories
- Social Media’s Role In Elections Continues To Grow (Pew Research)
- Outside groups set spending record in midterms
- U.S. Political Ad Expenses To Exceed US$1B
- Politicians know which television shows you watch, and tailor their advertisements accordingly
- Campaigns Find Ad Space Finite, Even on the Web
- Secret Money Fueling a Flood of Political Ads
- $1 of every $5 spent on cable TV ads in September was on political commercials
- The next big thing in political campaigns/ads
- DirecTV, Dish Network to vie for political cash with customized ads
- GOP Creates Fake Websites Against Democrats
- New PAC launches ads to limit flood of outside spending
- Outside Money Drives a Deluge of Political Ads
- The live tweet v. the fact check: there’s a study for that
- Study: Crime shows get larger share of political attack ads/ link to Kantar
- The Best 6 Political Campaign Ads of the Summer (So Far)
- Tracking political spending on television ads just got easier
- Campaign 2.0: MicroTargeting Voters Online
- Study: Political TV Ads on Health Law Total $445 Million
- What We Do on The Internet Says Alot About our Politics
- The 2014 Political TV Ads Are Coming: Here’s Where They’ve Already Landed
- Political Attack Ads, Often Negative, Try Instead to Accentuate the Positive
- How will candidates reach voters, who don’t watch TV?
- Digital’s Time Will Come For Political Ads. Now Is Not That Time, Say Top Ad Operatives
- As viewing habits change, pol campaigns must change their habits too
- Voting with your ears? Music tastes increasingly used to target campaign ads
- How ‘microtargeting’ works in political advertising (Newshour video)
- Pandora can predict your political affiliation, sells ads accordingly
- Fake Candidate Websites Are the New Political Attack Ads
- The Coming Obsolescence of the Political Attack Ad
- Obama ad, data team alliances offer glimpse of future of ads
- How Data Is Redefining Political TV Ads
- Tweets can define preferences for politicians during election season
- News coverage of female politicians focuses on personality, males on the issues
- Disclosing donors hurts political attack ads, but keeping them secret hurts worse (study)
- Think Ads Had An Effect on the 2012 Election? Think Again
- American Future Fund’s $29 million political advertising spree
- Dukakis & The Tank
- Voters Skip Nearly Half of Political Ads on TV
- Barack Obama’s ad team used cable TV to outplay Mitt Romney
Previous Years News Story Archives
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006-2004
Previous Years Resources
Download these NEWS GRAPHICS:
- Many Who Voted for ‘Values’ Still Like Their Television Sin
- Campaign Ad Buys (CNN)
- Cities with most political ads
- Appealing to Voter’s Emotion
- Campaign Ad Buys (CNN)
- Wisconsin Ad Project; Study of frequency of Pres. Ads on TV
- Media Battlegrounds
- Campaign Ads On Cable
- The Money Race
- Where The Ad War Is Being Fought Story
- Election Ads, So Far
- Updated: Ad Spending in Battleground States Handout
- Ad Spending in Top 10 Battleground States (Handout)
- Candidate Spending in Battleground States
- Presidential Election Fundraising
- Kerry/Bush’s Target TV Audiences /graphic(and companion stories)
- South Carolina: Battleground counties in November
- PBS Electoral College Map
- The candidate behind the curtain: A three-step program for analyzing campaign images
- Political Conventions, Images & Spin
- DOWNLOAD Political Ad Analysis Worksheet HTML
- The Living Room Candidate (web exhibit shows campaign persuasion)
- Willing Partners: A Timeline History of Politicians & The Media
- Editorial Cartoonists & Election Media Coverage
- Cartoons for the Classroom: Fine tooning a candidate’s message
- Cartoon Evaluation Worksheet
- View Smart To Vote Smart