The Role of Media in Elections:
Recommended Readings/Texts:
- Politics & The Media (2021)
- Political Campaigns & Political Advertising: A Media Literacy Guide
- Thinking Critically About Media & Politics
- Picture Perfect: Life in The Age of the Photo Op (2008)
- Inside the Presidential Debates (2008)
- Campaign Advertising and American Democracy (2007)
- UnSpun Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation (2007)
- If Kids Could Vote: Children, Democracy, and the Media (2007)
- Images, Issues, and Attacks: Television Advertising by Incumbents and Challengers in Presidential Elections (Lexington Studies in Political Communication) (2006)
- Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide (2006)
- Political Manipulation: The World of Spin (2006) Grades 6-8
Heinemann Library, Influence & Persuasion Series - Campaigning for Hearts and Minds: How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work(2006)
- Mudslingers The Top 25 Negative Political Campaigns of All Time
Countdown from No. 25 to No. 1 (2006) - Lights, Camera, Campaign!: Media, Politics, and Political Advertising (2004)
- Media and Politics In America: A Reference Handbook (2003)
- The Nightly News Nightmare: Network Television’s Coverage of U. S. Presidential Elections, 1988-2000 (2003)
The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics and the Mass Media
(2001) - Videostyle in Presidential Campaigns : Style and Content of Televised Political Advertising (2000)
- Everything You Think You Know About Politics..And Why You’re Wrong (2000)
- The Press and American Politics The New Mediator (3rd Ed, 2000)
- The Image-Is-Everything Presidency (Dilemmas in American Leadership, 1999)
- Poison Politics: Are Negative Campaigns Destroying Democracy?
(1997) read excerpt here - Packaging the Presidency: A History & Criticism of Presidential Campaign Advertising 3rd Ed 1996
- Going Negative: How Political Advertisements Shrink & Polarize The Electorate
(1995) read excerpt here - In “Media” Res: Readings In Mass Media & American Politics (1995)
- American Politicians: Photographs From 1843 to 1993 (1994)
Out of Order, Thomas Patterson (1994) - The Media Game American Politics In The Television Age (1993)
- Damned Spots: A Defense of Thirty Second Campaign Ads (1992)
- The Spot: The Rise of Political Advertising on Television (1992)
- Strange Bedfellows-How TV And the Presidential Candidates Changed American Politics, 1992
Candidates, Campaigns & Elections – Projects, Activities, Literature Links
(Scholastic, Grades 4-8, ISBN: 0-439-16055-3)- Mass Media and American Politics
- The FAIR Reader: an EXTRA! Review of Press and Politics In the 90’s
- Photographing the American Presidency (1984)
- Press, Party and Presidency (1981)