Teaching Resources: Articles
NOTE: The Center for Media Literacy’s web site now contains classic articles from the archives of Media&Values magazine. Go to the web site to read some of the best writing about media literacy in the US. Also recommended: Media Literacy Review’s archives
- Application of Media Literacy and Cultural Studies in K–12 Social Studies Curricula. (Social Studies. Sep/Oct 2013)
- Digital and Media Literacy (September, NASSP)
- Using The Daily Show to Promote Media Literacy (Social Education, Sept. 2012)
- Teaching Critical Thinking Through Media Literacy (July, Science Scope, NSTA)
- Media Literacy and Its Use as a Method to Encourage Civic Engagement (Comunicar,3/28/12)
- Media and Information Literacy: Pedagogy and Possibilities (Comunicar, 3/28/12)
- Into the Zone–Media Literacy and Security (Internet @ Schools, March 1)
- Developmentally appropriate New Media Literacies: Supporting cultural competencies and social skills in early childhood education
- The State of Media Literacy: A Response to Potter (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Sept. 2011)
- Cultivating Intellectual Curiosity with Digital and Media Literacy (School Library Journal Curriculum Connections, Sept. 2011)
- Building an understanding of the role of media literacy for Latino/a high school students (High School Journal, Summer 2011)
- Children’s Story Boards: A Key Tool for Understanding Media Literacy (June 2011)
- Empowering Learners with digital and media literacy (Knowledge Quest)
- Views on the News. Media Literacy Empowerment Competencies in the Elementary Grades
- Media Literacy: Window To The Future (imagine, May/June 2011)
- Media Literacy and Information Literacy: A Need for Collaboration and Communication (Action in Teacher Education, June 2011)
- Media Literacy as a Key Strategy toward Improving Public Acceptance of Climate Change Science, (BioScience, March 2011)
- The media and the literacies: media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy (Media, Culture & Society, March 2011)
- Media Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom, Ed Digest, March 2011
- Thinking about what we see: using media literacy to examine images of African Americans on television (Winter Spring 2011, Black History Bulletin)
- Expanding Perspectives for Comprehending Visual Images in Multimodal Texts, February 2011 (Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy)
- Tectonic cultural shifts require media literacy in schools, Independent School, Winter 2011
- Media Literacy Themed Issue, Library Media Connection, January-February 2011
- New literacies for a new era: learning to read words is no longer enough; students must learn to be visually literate as well (Phi Delta Kappan. Nov 2010)
- Media Literacy: Piercing Content and Who Controls It (On The Issues, Spring 2010)
- This They Believe? Adolescents, Advertising, and Critical Thinking Skills (NMSA) Middle Ground, April 2010
- Interpreting Intertextuality: Analyzing Video Messages, Classroom Notes Plus (NCTE), April 2010
- Critical Media Literacy in Middle School: Exploring the Politics of Representation (JAAL, February 2010)
- The Story of Stuff: Reading Advertisements through Critical Eyes, English Journal, January 2010
- Extending media literacy: A New Direction for Libraries, New Library World, Vol. 111, No. 1/2, 2010
- Before Media Education Goes To School, Understanding Adolescence and Education, ETC: A Review of General Semantics, October 2009
- How Media Literacy Educators Reclaimed Copyright and Fair Use. International Journal of Learning and Media, 2009
- Beyond Cynicism: Media Education and Civic Learning Outcomes in the University. International Journal of Learning and Media, 2009
- Media Literacy: 8 Guidelines for Teachers (August 2009)
- The Power and Impact of Gender-Specific Media Literacy (Youth Media Reporter, August 2009)
- Comparing FSA Photographs by Ben Shahn: A Lesson in Media Literacy (Middle Level Learning, May/June 2009 issue)
- A constructivist approach to media literacy education: The role of the library (May 2009)
- Media Literacy: A Central Component of Democratic Citizenship (The Educational Forum, Kappa Delta Pi)
- Global Perspectives: Developing Media Literacy Skills to Advance Critical Thinking (The Feminist Teacher)
- Alligators In The Sewer? Really? (pp. 28-30, May 2009, Learning & Leading With Technology)
- Skills for Surviving The 21st Century: Media Literacy Is Essential (OSSTF/FEESO Education Forum / Vol. 35, Issue 1, Winter 2009)
- Association of Various Components of Media Literacy and Adolescent Smoking. American Journal of Health Behavior, Mar/Apr 2009
- From Gutenberg to Gates: Media Matters. The Social Studies, March/April 2009
- Teaching and Reaching the Millennial Generation Through Media Literacy, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, March 2009
- What Research Says About … / Teaching Media Literacy (ASCD, Educational Leadership, March 2009)
- Media literacy education in the social studies: teacher perceptions and curricular challenges (Teacher Education Quarterly, Vol 36, No 1, Winter 2009)
- News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age: Principles for a New Media Literacy (Berkman Center for Internet & Society)
Previous Year’s Archives
- http://www.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/vs-media/sub_area.cfm?sa=473
- http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/PI/search.jhtml?magR=all+magazines&key=%22media+literacy%22
- http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4018
- http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dlcl/lbstat/media.html
- http://www.unm.edu/~abqteach/media_cus/media_index_page.htm
- http://www.positivepractices.com/Literacy/MediaLiteracy1998.html