FREE CLASSROOM SETS “We Survived The Holocaust”
With the royalties made from sales and my speaking fees, we are dedicating to purchasing more classroom sets of books. To that end, qualifying teachers, who respond to these questions, will receive a set:
- When and how do you plan to use the “graphic novel”?
- Do you plan to use the companion teacher guide?
- Would you consider inviting the author or one of the Goldbergs (or both) into your classroom?
(in person or ZOOM)
- Would you allow us (with permission) to put a camera in the classroom in order to document your use of the book with students?
- Would your principal consider a school wide speaker
How to receive your classroom set:
1. Arrange a date and time to personally receive them from Frank in Columbia
2. Arrange payment for shipping the set to your school (estimated at $60 for shipping and handling)
3. Confirm pickup at three upcoming SC conferences;
SCCSS Annual Conference, Winthrop SC October 2024
SCCTE Annual Conference, Kiawah Island SC January-February 2025
SCASL Annual Conference, Columbia SC March 2025