2002: September-October
October 2002 issue of Career World: What the media tell kids about careers
10/30 US Public Interest Research study says smoking in the movies has risen 50% in those rated PG13, read the study, posted both at Product Placement, and on the Tobacco Advertising activity posted on the homepages
10/29 NOW releases Watch Out Listen Up- 2002 Feminist Primetime Report: download it here.
-added new article to the TV Toy Commercials workshop page
-added new info to the Sports/Advertising page re: sports stadium naming rights
New To The Site: Visual Literacy recommended books (see BOOKS I RECOMMEND)
October 15: Cable In the Classroom launches Media Literacy 101, an online primer and will be releasing today, its Media Literacy report : Thinking Critically About Media: Schools and Families In Partnership;
Read ESchoolNews story.
Article in Wellesley MA newspaper: Pressing Matters: Educators Get Firsthand Look at Media and Government about the July Media & American Democracy Institute at Harvard.
Oct. 1 Just posted under TV Shows: Fall 2002 Museum of TV/Radio Satellite Seminars for colleges/universities
Just added: The Role of Media in Politics– see main page for lesson plan, current TV spot scripts, links to articles and books
Two articles of note:
Toward A Critical Pedagogy of Popular Culture: Literacy Development Among Urban Youth– by Ernest Morrell, in the September 2002 issue of the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
How Alcohol Ads Target Teens (by Nina Riccio) in the September 2002 issue of Current Health2