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Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education
(Special Media Literacy Issue) Volume  104 Issue 1  - April 2005  Table of Contents

27 New Research Shows Americans' Love-Hate Relationship with Journalism

23 added section: Pop Culture Books, under New Books

19 Cover story in US News & World Report magazine:
The CSI Effect: On TV, it's all slam-dunk evidence and quick convictions. Now juries expect the same thing--and that's a big problem

Pew Research Center study on American attitudes about TV indecency and possible government curbs

created new page- Editorial Cartoons about the news, see News

View the media literacy sessions at the American Educational Research Assn. annual convention

Collapse of Big Media (Wilson Quarterly  Spring 2005) 

Making Media That Matters (Clamor, Mar/Apr 2005)

10 NY Times magazine cover story:
Our Ratings, Ourselves: The Mismeasure of TV

Study examines effect of liquor ads on youth 

5 Study links kids' TV viewing to bullying; Parental attention can counteract the influences of TV;
Expert: mean TV fuels society's cruelty; Living in a culture of anger

1 Nightline host/ABC Newsman Ted Koppel announces his departure from the network and the late night newscast