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Toy Ads: Ad Analysis Worksheet


TV Toy- Ad Analysis Worksheet
Created by Frank Baker ©2005

Teachers: use this worksheet as a handout for students who will be studying television toy advertising. As students watch commercials, they should fill in the blanks below.

Name of toy/
of persuasion
Age of
Kids in ad
Small Print Actor
Memorable phrases
or slogans
Visuals(lights, color,
special effects)
Sound (including music)










*Common techniques of persuasion:    

Source: KI Teachers (  (see page 16)

Cool kids: everybody wants to be these kids

Family fun: the ad shows a product as something that instantly helps families have fun together

Excitement: the product is the key to amazing fun and adventure.

Star Power: a huge celebrity uses this product

Bigger is better: this ad makes the product look bigger than it actually is

Repetition: manufacturers hope that if you see or hear the product name a lot, you will want it

Feel Good: this ad tells a story that makes you feel good.

Sounds good: Manufacturers use music and other sound effects to grab your attention and make the product appealing.

What’s missing?: The ad doesn’t give you the full story about the product.

Cartoon characters: They help you remember the product (example: Tony the Tiger)

Weasely words: using words or phrases that are misleading

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